
The Linux binary packages available here for download are maintained by the Knot DNS development team. These packages may differ from the packages available in the distributions. In addition to most of Linux distributions, native packages are available also in BSD's and macOS. Every release version is a tag, a snapshot of a respective branch. The API and ABI of the libraries don't change (except for small compatible changes if necessary) during each branch life cycle.

Current Stable Branch

This branch (see the changelog) has newer features, enhancements, and receives all bug fixes. It's more modern, but less time-proven than the Previous Stable Branch.

Version Release date Source code Debian packages Ubuntu packages RPM packages Docker Hub
Knot DNS 3.4.1 October 14, 2024 Tarball, asc, sha256, Git CZ.NIC (old) CZ.NIC (old) Copr cznic/knot:latest

Previous Stable Branch

This branch (see the changelog) is what used to be Current Stable Branch until it had been replaced by a new Current Stable Branch. Since then, it doesn't receive new features or enhancements anymore, but it receives all important fixes. It lacks the latest features, but it's more time-proven.

Version Release date Source code Debian packages Ubuntu packages RPM packages Docker Hub
Knot DNS 3.3.9 August 26, 2024 Tarball, asc, sha256, Git CZ.NIC (old) CZ.NIC (old) Copr cznic/knot:previous

Tarball signing GPG key

pub   rsa4096/0x10BB7AF6FEBBD6AB 2017-07-10 [SC] [expires: 2026-11-11]
      Key fingerprint = 742F A4E9 5829 B6C5 EAC6  B857 10BB 7AF6 FEBB D6AB
uid   Daniel Salzman <>

GPG key for Debian repository

pub   rsa4096/0x8A0EFB02C84B1E9B 2019-03-14 [SC] [expires: 2026-11-11]
      Key fingerprint = 8C0A 90B7 DE9C AC3B 4A7B  D579 8A0E FB02 C84B 1E9B
uid   Knot DNS Packaging <>