.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later .. _upgrading: ********* Upgrading ********* This section summarizes steps required when upgrading to newer Knot Resolver versions. We advise users to also read :ref:`release_notes` for respective versions. Section *Module changes* is relevant only for users who develop or use third-party modules. Upcoming changes ================ Following section provides information about selected changes in not-yet-released versions. We advise users to prepare for these changes sooner rather than later to make it easier to upgrade to newer versions when they are released. * Command line option ``--forks`` (``-f``) `is deprecated and will be eventually removed `_. Preferred way to manage :ref:`systemd-multiple-instances` is to use a process manager, e.g. systemd_ or supervisord_. * Function :func:`verbose` is deprecated and will be eventually removed. Prefered way to change logging level is use to :func:`log_level`. .. _`systemd`: https://systemd.io/ .. _`supervisord`: http://supervisord.org/ 5.x to 6.x ========== * see the more detailed guide for :ref:`upgrading to version 6.x ` 5.4 to 5.5 ========== Packagers & Developers ---------------------- * Knot DNS >= 3.0.2 is required. Module API changes ------------------ * Function `cache.zone_import` was removed; you can use `ffi.C.zi_zone_import` instead (different API). * When using :ref:`proxyv2`, the meaning of ``qsource.flags`` and ``qsource.comm_flags`` in :c:member:`kr_request` changes so that ``flags`` describes the original client communicating with the proxy, while ``comm_flags`` describes the proxy communicating with the resolver. When there is no proxy, ``flags`` and ``comm_flags`` are the same. 5.3 to 5.4 ========== Configuration file ------------------ * ``kind='doh'`` in :func:`net.listen` was renamed to ``kind='doh_legacy'``. It is recommended to switch to the new DoH implementation with ``kind='doh2'``. * :func:`verbose` has been deprecated. In case you want to change logging level, there is new function :func:`log_level`. Packagers & Developers ---------------------- * meson option ``verbose_log`` was removed. Module changes -------------- * lua function ``warn()`` was removed, use ``log_warn()`` instead. The new function takes a log group number as the first argument. * C functions ``kr_log_req()`` and ``kr_log_q()`` were replaced by ``kr_log_req1()`` and ``kr_log_q1()`` respectively. The new function have slightly different API. 5.2 to 5.3 ========== Configuration file ------------------ * Module ``dnstap``: option ``log_responses`` has been moved inside a new ``client`` section. Refer to the configuration example in :ref:`mod-dnstap`. Packagers & Developers ---------------------- * Knot DNS >= 2.9 is required. 5.1 to 5.2 ========== Users ----- * DoH over HTTP/1 and unencrypted transports is still available in :ref:`legacy http module ` (``kind='doh'``). This module will not receive receive any more bugfixes and will be eventually removed. * Users of :ref:`control-sockets` API need to terminate each command sent to resolver with newline character (ASCII ``\n``). Correct usage: ``cache.stats()\n``. Newline terminated commands are accepted by all resolver versions >= 1.0.0. * `DNS Flag Day 2020 `_ is now effective and Knot Resolver uses maximum size of UDP answer to 1232 bytes. Please double-check your firewall, it has to allow DNS traffic on UDP and **also TCP** port 53. * Human readable output in interactive mode and from :ref:`control-sockets` was improved and as consequence slightly changed its format. Users who need machine readable output for scripts should use Lua function ``tojson()`` to convert Lua values into standard JSON format instead of attempting to parse the human readable output. For example API call ``tojson(cache.stats())\n`` will return JSON string with ``cache.stats()`` results represented as dictionary. Function ``tojson()`` is available in all resolver versions >= 1.0.0. Configuration file ------------------ * Statistics exporter :ref:`mod-graphite` now uses default prefix which combines :func:`hostname()` and :envvar:`worker.id` instead of bare :func:`hostname()`. This prevents :ref:`systemd-multiple-instances` from sending conflicting statistics to server. In case you want to continue in previous time series you can manually set the old values using option ``prefix`` in :ref:`Graphite configuration `. Beware that non-default values require careful :ref:`instance-specific-configuration` to avoid conflicting names. * Lua variable :envvar:`worker.id` is now a string with either Systemd instance name or PID (instead of number). If your custom configuration uses :envvar:`worker.id` value please check your scripts. Module changes -------------- * Reply packet :c:type:`kr_request.answer` `is not allocated `_ immediately when the request comes. See the new :c:func:`kr_request_ensure_answer` function, wrapped for lua as ``req:ensure_answer()``. 5.0 to 5.1 ========== Module changes -------------- * Modules which use :c:type:`kr_request.trace_log` handler need update to modified handler API. Example migration is `modules/watchdog/watchdog.lua `_. * Modules which were using logger :c:func:`kr_log_qverbose_impl` need migration to new logger :c:func:`kr_log_q`. Example migration is `modules/rebinding/rebinding.lua `_. * Modules which were using :c:func:`kr_ranked_rrarray_add` should note that on success it no longer returns exclusively zero but index into the array (non-negative). Error states are unchanged (negative). 4.x to 5.x ========== Users ----- * Control socket location has changed .. csv-table:: :header: "","4.x location","5.x location" "with systemd","``/run/knot-resolver/control@$ID``","``/run/knot-resolver/control/$ID``" "without systemd","``$PWD/tty/$PID``","``$PWD/control/$PID``" * ``-f`` / ``--forks`` command-line option is deprecated. In case you just want to trigger non-interactive mode, there's new ``-n`` / ``--noninteractive``. This forking style `was not ergonomic `_; with independent kresd processes you can better utilize a process manager (e.g. systemd). Configuration file ------------------ * Network interface are now configured in ``kresd.conf`` with :func:`net.listen` instead of systemd sockets (`#485 `_). See the following examples. .. tip:: You can find suggested network interface settings based on your previous systemd socket configuration in ``/var/lib/knot-resolver/.upgrade-4-to-5/kresd.conf.net`` which is created during the package update to version 5.x. .. csv-table:: :header: "4.x - systemd socket file", "5.x - kresd.conf" "kresd.socket | [Socket] | ListenDatagram= | ListenStream=","| ``net.listen('', 53, { kind = 'dns' })``" "kresd.socket | [Socket] | FreeBind=true | BindIPv6Only=both | ListenDatagram=[::1]:53 | ListenStream=[::1]:53 "," | ``net.listen('', 53, { kind = 'dns', freebind = true })`` | ``net.listen('::1', 53, { kind = 'dns', freebind = true })``" "kresd-tls.socket | [Socket] | ListenStream=","| ``net.listen('', 853, { kind = 'tls' })``" "kresd-doh.socket | [Socket] | ListenStream=","| ``net.listen('', 443, { kind = 'doh' })``" "kresd-webmgmt.socket | [Socket] | ListenStream=","| ``net.listen('', 8453, { kind = 'webmgmt' })``" * :func:`net.listen` throws an error if it fails to bind. Use ``freebind=true`` option to bind to nonlocal addresses. 4.2.2 to 4.3+ ============= Module changes -------------- * In case you wrote your own module which directly calls function ``kr_ranked_rrarray_add()``, you need to additionally call function ``kr_ranked_rrarray_finalize()`` after each batch (before changing the added memory regions). For a specific example see `changes in dns64 module `_. .. _upgrade-from-3-to-4: 4.x to 4.2.1+ ============= Users ----- * If you have previously installed ``knot-resolver-dbgsym`` package on Debian, please remove it and install ``knot-resolver-dbg`` instead. 3.x to 4.x ========== Users ----- * DNSSEC validation is now turned on by default. If you need to disable it, see :ref:`dnssec-config`. * ``-k/--keyfile`` and ``-K/--keyfile-ro`` daemon options were removed. If needed, use ``trust_anchors.add_file()`` in configuration file instead. * Configuration for :ref:`HTTP module ` changed significantly as result of adding :ref:`mod-http-doh` support. Please see examples below. * In case you are using your own custom modules, move them to the new module location. The exact location depends on your distribution. Generally, modules previously in ``/usr/lib/kdns_modules`` should be moved to ``/usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules``. Configuration file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``trust_anchors.file``, ``trust_anchors.config()`` and ``trust_anchors.negative`` aliases were removed to avoid duplicity and confusion. Migration table: .. csv-table:: :header: "3.x configuration", "4.x configuration" "``trust_anchors.file = path``", "``trust_anchors.add_file(path)``" "``trust_anchors.config(path, readonly)``", "``trust_anchors.add_file(path, readonly)``" "``trust_anchors.negative = nta_set``", "``trust_anchors.set_insecure(nta_set)``" * ``trust_anchors.keyfile_default`` is no longer accessible and is can be set only at compile time. To turn off DNSSEC, use :func:`trust_anchors.remove()`. .. csv-table:: :header: "3.x configuration", "4.x configuration" "``trust_anchors.keyfile_default = nil``", "``trust_anchors.remove('.')``" * Network for HTTP endpoints is now configured using same mechanism as for normal DNS endpoints, please refer to chapter :ref:`config-lua-network`. Migration table: .. csv-table:: :header: "3.x configuration", "4.x configuration" "``modules = { http = { host = '', port = 443 }}``","see chapter :ref:`config-lua-network`" "``http.config({ host = '', port = 443 })``","see chapter :ref:`config-lua-network`" "``modules = { http = { endpoints = ... }}``","see chapter :ref:`mod-http-custom-endpoint`" "``http.config({ endpoints = ... })``","see chapter :ref:`mod-http-custom-endpoint`" Packagers & Developers ---------------------- * Knot DNS >= 2.8 is required. * meson >= 0.46 and ninja is required. * meson build system is now used for compiling the project. For instructions, see the :ref:`build`. Packagers should pay attention to section :ref:`packaging` for information about systemd unit files and trust anchors. * Embedding LMDB is no longer supported, lmdb is now required as an external dependency. * Trust anchors file from upstream is installed and used as default unless you override ``keyfile_default`` during build. Module changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Default module location has changed from ``{libdir}/kdns_modules`` to ``{libdir}/knot-resolver/kres_modules``. Modules are now in the lua namespace ``kres_modules.*``. * ``kr_straddr_split()`` API has changed. * C modules defining ``*_layer`` or ``*_props`` symbols need to use a different style, but it's typically a trivial change. Instead of exporting the corresponding symbols, the module should assign pointers to its static structures inside its ``*_init()`` function. Example migration: `bogus_log module `_. .. _upgrade-from-2-to-3: 2.x to 3.x ========== Users ----- * Module :ref:`mod-hints` has option :func:`hints.use_nodata` enabled by default, which is what most users expect. Add ``hints.use_nodata(false)`` to your config to revert to the old behavior. * Modules ``cookie`` and ``version`` were removed. Please remove relevant configuration lines with ``modules.load()`` and ``modules =`` from configuration file. * Valid configuration must open cache using ``cache.open()`` or ``cache.size =`` before executing cache operations like ``cache.clear()``. (Older versions were silently ignoring such cache operations.) Packagers & Developers ---------------------- * Knot DNS >= 2.7.2 is required. Module changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * API for Lua modules was refactored, please see :ref:`significant-lua-changes`. * New layer was added: ``answer_finalize``. * ``kr_request`` keeps ``::qsource.packet`` beyond the ``begin`` layer. * ``kr_request::qsource.tcp`` renamed to ``::qsource.flags.tcp``. * ``kr_request::has_tls`` renamed to ``::qsource.flags.tls``. * ``kr_zonecut_add()``, ``kr_zonecut_del()`` and ``kr_nsrep_sort()`` changed parameters slightly.