.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later Cache ===== Cache in Knot Resolver is stored on disk and also shared between :ref:`systemd-multiple-instances` so resolver doesn't lose the cached data on restart or crash. To improve performance even further the resolver implements so-called aggressive caching for DNSSEC-validated data (:rfc:`8198`), which improves performance and also protects against some types of Random Subdomain Attacks. .. _`cache_sizing`: Sizing ------ For personal and small office use-cases cache size around 100 MB is more than enough. For large deployments we recommend to run Knot Resolver on a dedicated machine, and to allocate 90% of machine's free memory for resolver's cache. .. note:: Choosing a cache size that can fit into RAM is important even if the cache is stored on disk (default). Otherwise, the extra I/O caused by disk access for missing pages can cause performance issues. For example, imagine you have a machine with 16 GB of memory. After machine restart you use command ``free -m`` to determine amount of free memory (without swap): .. code-block:: bash $ free -m total used free Mem: 15907 979 14928 Now you can configure cache size to be 90% of the free memory 14 928 MB, i.e. 13 453 MB: .. code-block:: lua -- 90 % of free memory after machine restart cache.size = 13453 * MB It is also possible to set the cache size based on the file system size. This is useful if you use a dedicated partition for cache (e.g. non-persistent tmpfs). It is recommended to leave some free space for special files, such as locks.: .. code-block:: lua cache.size = cache.fssize() - 10*MB .. note:: The `cache garbage collector <../deployment-advanced-no-systemd-processes.html#garbage-collector>`_ can be used to periodically trim the cache. It is enabled and configured by default when running kresd with systemd integration. .. _`cache_persistence`: Persistence ----------- .. tip:: Using tmpfs for cache improves performance and reduces disk I/O. By default the cache is saved on a persistent storage device so the content of the cache is persisted during system reboot. This usually leads to smaller latency after restart etc., however in certain situations a non-persistent cache storage might be preferred, e.g.: - Resolver handles high volume of queries and I/O performance to disk is too low. - Threat model includes attacker getting access to disk content in power-off state. - Disk has limited number of writes (e.g. flash memory in routers). If non-persistent cache is desired configure cache directory to be on tmpfs_ filesystem, a temporary in-memory file storage. The cache content will be saved in memory, and thus have faster access and will be lost on power-off or reboot. .. note:: In most of the Unix-like systems ``/tmp`` and ``/var/run`` are commonly mounted as tmpfs. While it is technically possible to move the cache to an existing tmpfs filesystem, it is *not recommended*, since the path to cache is configured in multiple places. Mounting the cache directory as tmpfs_ is the recommended approach. Make sure to use appropriate ``size=`` option and don't forget to adjust the size in the config file as well. .. code-block:: none # /etc/fstab tmpfs /var/cache/knot-resolver tmpfs rw,size=2G,uid=knot-resolver,gid=knot-resolver,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=0700 0 0 .. code-block:: lua -- /etc/knot-resolver/kresd.conf cache.size = cache.fssize() - 10*MB .. _tmpfs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmpfs Configuration reference ----------------------- .. function:: cache.open(max_size[, config_uri]) :param number max_size: Maximum cache size in bytes. :return: ``true`` if cache was opened Open cache with a size limit. The cache will be reopened if already open. Note that the max_size cannot be lowered, only increased due to how cache is implemented. .. tip:: Use ``kB, MB, GB`` constants as a multiplier, e.g. ``100*MB``. The URI ``lmdb://path`` allows you to change the cache directory. Example: .. code-block:: lua cache.open(100 * MB, 'lmdb:///var/cache/knot-resolver') .. envvar:: cache.size Set the cache maximum size in bytes. Note that this is only a hint to the backend, which may or may not respect it. See :func:`cache.open()`. .. code-block:: lua cache.size = 100 * MB -- equivalent to `cache.open(100 * MB)` .. envvar:: cache.current_size Get the maximum size in bytes. .. code-block:: lua print(cache.current_size) .. envvar:: cache.storage Set the cache storage backend configuration, see :func:`cache.backends()` for more information. If the new storage configuration is invalid, it is not set. .. code-block:: lua cache.storage = 'lmdb://.' .. envvar:: cache.current_storage Get the storage backend configuration. .. code-block:: lua print(cache.current_storage) .. function:: cache.backends() :return: map of backends .. note:: For now there is only one backend implementation, even though the APIs are ready for different (synchronous) backends. The cache supports runtime-changeable backends, using the optional :rfc:`3986` URI, where the scheme represents backend protocol and the rest of the URI backend-specific configuration. By default, it is a ``lmdb`` backend in working directory, i.e. ``lmdb://``. Example output: .. code-block:: lua [lmdb://] => true .. function:: cache.count() :return: Number of entries in the cache. Meaning of the number is an implementation detail and is subject of change. .. function:: cache.close() :return: ``true`` if cache was closed Close the cache. .. note:: This may or may not clear the cache, depending on the cache backend. .. function:: cache.fssize() :return: Partition size of cache storage. .. function:: cache.stats() Return table with low-level statistics for internal cache operation and storage. This counts each access to cache and does not directly map to individual DNS queries or resource records. For query-level statistics see :ref:`stats module `. Example: .. code-block:: lua > cache.stats() [clear] => 0 [close] => 0 [commit] => 117 [count] => 2 [count_entries] => 6187 [match] => 21 [match_miss] => 2 [open] => 0 [read] => 4313 [read_leq] => 9 [read_leq_miss] => 4 [read_miss] => 1143 [remove] => 17 [remove_miss] => 0 [usage_percent] => 15.625 [write] => 189 Cache operation `read_leq` (*read less or equal*, i.e. range search) was requested 9 times, and 4 out of 9 operations were finished with *cache miss*. Cache contains 6187 internal entries which occupy 15.625 % cache size. .. function:: cache.max_ttl([ttl]) :param number ttl: maximum TTL in seconds (default: 1 day) .. KR_CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL_MAX ^^ :return: current maximum TTL Get or set upper TTL bound applied to all received records. .. note:: The `ttl` value must be in range `(min_ttl, 2147483647)`. .. code-block:: lua -- Get maximum TTL cache.max_ttl() 518400 -- Set maximum TTL cache.max_ttl(172800) 172800 .. function:: cache.min_ttl([ttl]) :param number ttl: minimum TTL in seconds (default: 5 seconds) .. KR_CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL_MIN ^^ :return: current minimum TTL Get or set lower TTL bound applied to all received records. Forcing TTL higher than specified violates DNS standards, so use higher values with care. TTL still won't be extended beyond expiration of the corresponding DNSSEC signature. .. note:: The `ttl` value must be in range `<0, max_ttl)`. .. code-block:: lua -- Get minimum TTL cache.min_ttl() 0 -- Set minimum TTL cache.min_ttl(5) 5 .. function:: cache.ns_tout([timeout]) :param number timeout: NS retry interval in milliseconds (default: :c:macro:`KR_NS_TIMEOUT_RETRY_INTERVAL`) :return: current timeout Get or set time interval for which a nameserver address will be ignored after determining that it doesn't return (useful) answers. The intention is to avoid waiting if there's little hope; instead, kresd can immediately SERVFAIL or immediately use stale records (with :ref:`serve_stale ` module). .. warning:: This settings applies only to the current kresd process. .. function:: cache.get([domain]) This function is not implemented at this moment. We plan to re-introduce it soon, probably with a slightly different API. .. function:: cache.clear([name], [exact_name], [rr_type], [chunk_size], [callback], [prev_state]) Purge cache records matching specified criteria. There are two specifics: * To reliably remove **negative** cache entries you need to clear subtree with the whole zone. E.g. to clear negative cache entries for (formerly non-existing) record `www.example.com. A` you need to flush whole subtree starting at zone apex, e.g. `example.com.` [#]_. * This operation is asynchronous and might not be yet finished when call to ``cache.clear()`` function returns. Return value indicates if clearing continues asynchronously or not. :param string name: subtree to purge; if the name isn't provided, whole cache is purged (and any other parameters are disregarded). :param bool exact_name: if set to ``true``, only records with *the same* name are removed; default: false. :param kres.type rr_type: you may additionally specify the type to remove, but that is only supported with ``exact_name == true``; default: nil. :param integer chunk_size: the number of records to remove in one round; default: 100. The purpose is not to block the resolver for long. The default ``callback`` repeats the command after one millisecond until all matching data are cleared. :param function callback: a custom code to handle result of the underlying C call. Its parameters are copies of those passed to `cache.clear()` with one additional parameter ``rettable`` containing table with return value from current call. ``count`` field contains a return code from :func:`kr_cache_remove_subtree()`. :param table prev_state: return value from previous run (can be used by callback) :rtype: table :return: ``count`` key is always present. Other keys are optional and their presence indicate special conditions. * **count** *(integer)* - number of items removed from cache by this call (can be 0 if no entry matched criteria) * **not_apex** - cleared subtree is not cached as zone apex; proofs of non-existence were probably not removed * **subtree** *(string)* - hint where zone apex lies (this is estimation from cache content and might not be accurate) * **chunk_limit** - more than ``chunk_size`` items needs to be cleared, clearing will continue asynchronously Examples: .. code-block:: lua -- Clear whole cache > cache.clear() [count] => 76 -- Clear records at and below 'com.' > cache.clear('com.') [chunk_limit] => chunk size limit reached; the default callback will continue asynchronously [not_apex] => to clear proofs of non-existence call cache.clear('com.') [count] => 100 [round] => 1 [subtree] => com. > worker.sleep(0.1) [cache] asynchronous cache.clear('com', false) finished -- Clear only 'www.example.com.' > cache.clear('www.example.com.', true) [round] => 1 [count] => 1 [not_apex] => to clear proofs of non-existence call cache.clear('example.com.') [subtree] => example.com. .. [#] This is a consequence of DNSSEC negative cache which relies on proofs of non-existence on various owner nodes. It is impossible to efficiently flush part of DNS zones signed with NSEC3.