Open data – Format specification

Name Description Type Example
open_uuid Identification of a client who started the test String P7638e543-9b7e-4d5d-ab7b-0913878bad03
open_test_uuid Unique identification of a specific test String Of85bac7c-7c4c-47ab-afdc-eac528639122
time Time when the test started, in UTC time String 2015-05-01 00:34
cat_technology Category of technology used e.g. “3G”, “4G”, “WLAN” String 4G
network_type Network type e.g. MOBILE, LTE, WLAN String LTE
lat Latitude of the client’s position Numeric 49.25809158659175
long Longitude of the client’s position Numeric 17.758191230599575
loc_src Source of location information. Values: “gps”, “network”. String gps
loc_accuracy Estimation of position accuracy (radius in meters) Numeric 6.0
zip_code Client postal code, if known Numeric
download_kbit Download speed, kilobits per second Numeric 22180
upload_kbit Upload speed, kilobits per second Numeric 22409
ping_ms Median ping (round-trip time) in milliseconds, as measured on the server side Numeric 31.912917
lte_rsrp LTE signal strength in dBm Numeric
server_name Name of the test server/td> String CZ.NIC
test_duration Duration of the test, in seconds Numeric 7
num_threads Number of threads of the download test Numeric 3
platform The platform on which the test was performed. Eg. "Android" (= Google Android App), "iOS" (= Apple iOS App) String Android
model Name/model of the devise used String SM-G920F
client_version Version of the client application String 2.0.41-CZ_0.9.10-master
network_mcc_mnc Network identification, the first three numbers represent the country and the number after the hyphen represents operator in the country String 230-03
network_name Display Network name String Vodafone CZ
sim_mcc_mnc Identification of network provider according to the SIM card. Meaning of the numbers is the same as network_mcc_mnc String 230-03
nat_type Type of connection due to NAT. E.g. public IP, private IP address behind NAT, … String nat_local_to_public_ipv4
asn Autonomous system number Numeric 16019
ip_anonym Anonymised IP address of the client String 46.135.48
ndt_download_kbit Download speed of NDT-test (kilobit per second) Numeric
ndt_upload_kbit Download speed of NDT-test (kilobit per second) Numeric
implausible Upload speed of NDT-test (kilobit per second) Boolean false
signal_strength Signal strength (RSSI) in dBm Numeric -80
cell_id ID of connected cell Numeric 329483
lac LAC Numeric 38070
tags Reasons for exclusion from the statistics String {111,361,362,401}

Reasons for exclusion from the statistics

Code Meaning
110 Measurement with missing network_group_type (missing value in table group_typ)
111 Measurement with missing network_group_type (missing value in table group_typ)
200 Unfinished measurement
311 2G too high download speed
312 2G too high upload speed
313 3G too high download speed
314 3G too high upload speed
315 4G too high download speed
316 4G too high upload speed
34x Speed does not match the transferred bytes
35x Transferred bytes are irregular
36x Measurement of time is not downloaded
401 Distance between the two measurements is too high
411 Measurement is too far from the nw_area_code coordinates
444 aggregate measurement