import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from django.contrib import admin
from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from import_export import fields, resources, widgets
from tablib import Dataset
ExportType = namedtuple("ExportType", ("mimetype", "label"))
# Map from supported export types to their content type used for file to download.
# {extension: (mimetype, label), ...}
'csv': ExportType('text/csv', _('Export selected as CSV')),
'tsv': ExportType('text/tab-separated-values', _('Export selected as TSV (Tab-Separated Values)')),
'xls': ExportType('application/', _('Export selected as XLS')),
'xlsx': ExportType('application/', _('Export selected as XLSX')),
'ods': ExportType('application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', _('Export selected as ODS')),
'json': ExportType('application/json', _('Export selected as JSON')),
'yaml': ExportType('text/plain', _('Export selected as YAML')),
'html': ExportType('text/html', _('Export selected as HTML')),
'latex': ExportType('application/x-latex', _('Export selected as LATEX (LaTeX Source Document)')),
'rst': ExportType('text/x-rst', _('Export selected as RST (reStructuredText)')),
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_supported_export_types():
Get only the export types supported by this operating system.
dataset = Dataset()
available_types = {}
for ext, item in EXPORT_TYPES_TO_CONTENT_TYPES.items():
getattr(dataset, ext)
available_types[ext] = item
except (ImportError, AttributeError) as error:
return available_types
[docs]def register_export_action(export_type, label):
Helper to register export action to specific type. It dynamically
creates action function and register it as ````
with passed label.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Warning: Some admin pages can add more arguments to actions.
def wrapper(modeladmin, request, queryset, *args, **kwargs):
return export_file(export_type, modeladmin, queryset)
wrapper.__name__ = f'export_selected_objects_as_{export_type}'
wrapper.short_description = label, wrapper.__name__)
return wrapper
[docs]def export_file(export_type, modeladmin, queryset):
Same as :any:`cms_qe.export.export_data` but wraps it into
:any:`django.http.HttpResponse` as file to download.
export_types = get_supported_export_types()
if export_type not in export_types:
raise Http404(f'Type {export_type} is not supported')
content_type = export_types[export_type].mimetype
data = export_data(export_type, modeladmin, queryset)
response = HttpResponse(data, content_type=content_type)
response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename="export.{export_type}"'
return response
[docs]def export_data(export_type, modeladmin, queryset):
Export data as ``export_type``. Supported are only those from
function ``get_supported_export_types``.
if hasattr(modeladmin, "export_data"):
return modeladmin.export_data(export_type, queryset)
model_fields = queryset.model._meta.get_fields()
class ObjectResourceMeta(resources.ModelDeclarativeMetaclass):
When model has field with choices, we want to export verbose names
instead of keys in database. For that on resource object has to be
field with it's list of choices. ``ModelResource`` uses metaclass
to collect those data so we need to override that metaclass and
pass it manually. Assign it to class after creation is late.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # pylint: disable=bad-mcs-classmethod-argument
for field in model_fields:
choices = getattr(field, 'choices', None)
if not choices:
attrs[] = fields.Field(, # Warning: attribute has to be here.
# ModelAdmin can specify extra fields which could be property on
# the model or method on the ModelAdmin. Because those fields
# are visible on the web to the user, it's good to include them
# in the export as well.
for field_name in modeladmin.list_display:
if field_name in attrs or field_name[:2] == '__':
attrs[field_name] = AdminField(
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class ObjectResource(resources.ModelResource, metaclass=ObjectResourceMeta):
class Meta:
model = queryset.model
# After adding some extra fields, it will break order.
# Django's ``get_fields`` keeps order but we need to exclude
# all auto created back references.
# Warning: ID is also auto created.
export_order = [
for field in model_fields
if not field.auto_created or == 'id'
def get_export_headers(self) -> list:
As header use verbose name which is better than database name.
return [self.get_model_field_verbose_name(field) for field in self.get_export_fields()]
def get_model_field_verbose_name(self, field) -> str:
name = self.get_field_name(field)
field = queryset.model._meta.get_field(name)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
name = force_str(field.verbose_name)
return name
def export_field(self, field, obj):
value = super().export_field(field, obj)
if '__proxy__' in value.__class__.__name__:
value = force_str(value)
return value
dataset = ObjectResource().export(queryset)
return getattr(dataset, export_type)
[docs]class AdminField(fields.Field):
Field to support including extra fields defined in the variable
`ModelAdmin.list_display`. Original `fields.Field` is capable
to get property so we need to only add support of extra fields
defined on the ModelAdmin itself.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
modeladmin = kwds.pop('modeladmin')
self.get_modeladmin = lambda: modeladmin
super().__init__(*args, **kwds)
[docs] def get_value(self, obj):
admin_property = getattr(self.get_modeladmin(), self.attribute, None)
if admin_property:
return admin_property(obj)
return super().get_value(obj)
# Taken from